Make your financial research a profitable function. Period.
With declining research commissions, growing investor need for timely insights, and increased scrutiny of research budgets, we believe that the need for on-demand customized research is higher than ever right now.
Therefore, we provide customized research – across sectors, asset classes, and geographies – to meet the company, industry, thematic, economic, and library research needs of our clients.
We are not an independent research provider; instead, clients engage us to support their in-house research teams. We manage repetitive and data-intensive research tasks, and take care of peak-load situations in a cost effective and flexible manner – this enables our clients to focus on idea generation, revenue generation, client management, and portfolio optimization activities, thereby increasing the quality and profitability of their research functions.
If you are a sell-side research head or an IRP, we help you make research a profitable function by producing on-demand custom research, increasing the depth and scope of your coverage, improving market visibility, and winning new clients. And we do this without adding a fixed costs.
If you are an investment banker or a private equity partner, we help you identify emerging investment themes and acquisition targets, and provide time-sensitive deal support. We focus on research so that you can spend more time raising funds, closing deals, and managing portfolio companies & investors.
If you are an asset manager or an investment advisor, we help you increase α, reduce information overload, and control research costs by strengthening your in-house research capabilities.
Click on the icons above to see our solutions for different industry participants. Or click on the following links to read about select examples of projects executed for financial services clients, and about our engagement models.